Monday, February 29, 2016

Chapter 7 Predictor Variables, The Future of Composition Research

This chapter starts out a bid radical, calling MLA format into question, and going straight to the need for research methods, stats training, and numbers to make the field of Composition more respected.

The MLA argument focused on the way MLA citations refer to a living document. That works with literature, but maybe not so much with research. The author uses the example of a research paper written in the 70's. Does the author of that paper still believe what she believed in the 70's? Citing in in MLA format suggests she does, suggests that her research is a current and living document. But in reality, that researcher may have changed her mind a dozen times since she wrote that report. Who knows?

The rest of the article talks about the lack of training for comp researchers. It looked a a variety of programs, and determined that methods and stats are not being taught, or used, or valued properly.
It ends by trying to convince readers of the importance of numbers and gives examples of how often they are useful in daily life. Sort of preaching to the choir the whole article, as far as I'm concerned.

Aside: It seems I annotated our first weeks' reading properly, but then annotated the second week's reading  "publicly", so you won't see my annotataions if you are logged in to the class and not the public sphere. So frustrating. I'll pay better attention next time. Sorry, guys.

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